The Compliance Revolution - What’s Next for Greg & Anik…

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Inside The Episode

Have you gotten your copy of Don’t Say That! the book yet? We’re officially live and getting amazing reviews already! Go here to get your copy:

I’m so excited to finally announce that ALL the pieces of our “Compliance Revolution” puzzle are finally in place.

So I dropped some massive announcements in this episode…

I’m pulling back the curtain on the incredible journey that led to the launch of his compliance empire. I’m going deep on EVERYTHING that we’ve accomplished as we launch this amazing community.

  • A behind-the-scenes look at the full ecosystem: from books to software to live events…
  • Why my FTC investigation became the unlikely catalyst for a game-changing business…
  • The shocking pushback he faced when pitching a compliance-focused venture (and why he persevered)…
  • How a grassroots movement is transforming the “boring” world of marketing compliance…
  • The unexpected emotional impact of helping others avoid regulatory nightmares…

But it’s not all celebration. I’m also revealing the raw truth about:

  • The sacrifices made by my team to bring this vision to life…
  • The emotional toll of building something truly revolutionary…
  • Why compliance isn’t just about rules – it’s about changing lives…

The key takeaway? Sometimes your greatest crisis can become your greatest opportunity – if you have the guts to pursue it.


Anik Singal
Greg Christiansen

Don’t Say That! The Book Launches Feb. 13th!

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Join Us At The Compliance Summit!

April 16-18, 2024

Worried about getting sued by the FTC or other regulatory agencies? Confused about what the rules really are? The good news is, you’re not alone. And we’re here to help.

At The Compliance Summit, we’ll spend 3 full days revealing EVERYTHING you need to know to protect yourself, your business and your assets. 

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