Worried Your Marketing
Might Get You Sued By The
FTC Or Other Agencies?

This Book Can Help Protect You
& Everything You’ve Built...

This New Book Reveals Exactly How To

Protect Yourself, Your Business & Your ASSETS...

Here’s What Other Marketers Are Saying
About “Don’t Say That”...

Don’t Say That! is the most practical, accessible, and actionable book on advertising law I’ve ever read and a must-read for every business owner who would prefer not to get sued by the FTC.

Four words. That’s all it takes to get sued by the FTC, destroy your business, and make your life a living hell.

The problem is most business owners don’t know what the rules are or whether or not they’re breaking them… until now.

In Don’t Say That! FTC attorney Greg Christiansen and digital marketing expert Anik Singal team up to share the good news of compliance - not only can you market your business legally, ethically, and compliantly, but you can also acquire better quality customers and increase conversions at the same time.

Brian T. Edmondson, Esq. Internet Business Lawyer & Entrepreneur
This book is an incredible asset for any business owner... It's one of the books that going to set the standard for new, compliant Marketing!"
Kaci Brown Co-Founder of Freedom To Impact
The information I got from this book is really eye opening. Any marketer should ready this book!"
Mark Shilensky Founder of NoHypeMedia.com
This is such an important topic! I’ve passed on this information to my copywriter buddy group, and to the presidents of several top training institutes I know.

Anik’s incident highlights a significant oversight many of us are probably guilty of: not understanding what’s necessary to be compliant (in the FTC’s eyes) in our marketing. It should serve as a crucial wake-up call for all of us in the digital marketing world.

Rick Balmer Founder Rich Text Marketing, LLC

Don’t Say That! is the most practical, accessible, and actionable book on advertising law I’ve ever read and a must-read for every business owner who would prefer not to get sued by the FTC.
Heather Owen Consultant, Genuine Stewards, LLC
Rocio Arroyave Founder & CEO, The Challenge Queen
Shannon Lavenia Co-Founder, BrandBuilder AI
Johann Nogueira Co-Founder of Comet Suite
This is surprisingly a very easy read despite the legal stuff. This book is a real eye opener!

I'm about half way through "Don't Say That!" I originally read it because Anik wrote it. I didn't think it applied to accountants. But oh, it does! This is surprisingly a very easy read despite the legal stuff. I have so far found several things I will start / stop doing. This book is a real eye opener

Shanita Jones CEO at Jones Taxes & Financial Services, LLC

Disclaimer: All testimonials provided are individual experiences only. Results & experience is not typical. Some individuals may have received a minimus consideration for their testimonial participation.

What Is “Don’t Say That” All About?

Worried about getting sued by the FTC, your state’s Attorny General, or another regulatory body?

Have you seen the massive uptick in consumer led class action lawsuits?

Know someone who’s been sued or been the target of an investigation?

Confused about what the “compliance rules” really are?

Have you been watching the government crack down on company after company, and worried who will be next?

Don’t Say That! was written

specifically for YOU...

This brand new book from Anik Singal (21+ year digital marketer) and Greg Christiansen (20+ year FTC attorney) reveals the exact steps to take, mistakes to avoid and rules to follow so marketers don’t end up as the FTC’s next target...

You’ll discover everything from:

  • 5 Main Violations - The Biggest Areas Regulators Are Focusing Now...
  • The #1 Marketing Target - This Marketing Practice Is The Biggest Red Flag For Regulators...
  • The Biggest Industries - Exactly Where The FTC & Others Are Looking For Violations...
  • Most Common Mistakes - Marketers Around The World Are Making These Mistakes Every Day...
  • Size Doesn’t Matter - Regulators Are Suing Companies Of All Sizes, Even Tiny Businesses...

It’s no exaggeration that the FTC and other regulatory bodies have its sights set on the marketing industry. And they’re only getting more aggressive in 2024 (more on that below).

After dealing with 18 months of hell from the FTC himself, Anik has made it his mission to help fellow marketers and business owners avoid the same costly mistakes.

His mission with this book is to help you market EFFECTIVELY and COMPLIANTLY without seeing a major impact on your conversions...

Plus, You’ll Get Our FREE FTC Masterclass With Your Copy Of "Don’t Say That!"

Discover The 15 Biggest FTC Rules & Penalties No One Ever Talks About…

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover…

  • How to take things that are non-compliant and change them quickly, but dramatically, to reduce your risk
  • The strategies Greg and I use to completely change the “net impression” you’re giving your audience so you can stay compliant…
  • And how to avoid the type of penalties that can ruin your business and everything you’ve built…

Greg and I took the BIGGEST takeaways from the book and put them all into this FREE Masterclass.

There’s no better way to start your compliance journey.

Do You Use Any Of These In
Your Marketing?

When it comes to marketing and advertising practices, there are countless areas of focus for the FTC, State Governments and even Class-Action attorneys.

And unfortunately, some of the most common marketing practices (that EVERYONE uses) are actually the biggest violations.

And if you slip up AT ALL, you could find yourself the target of investigation. (And no, ignorance of the law is not a defense).

The FTC takes a fine-tooth comb to common marketing practices like...

  • Endorsements & Testimonials...
  • Any Claims Made (Express or Implied)...
  • Oversimplification of Results...
  • Improper Use of SCARCITY...
  • Inflated Value Stacks...
  • Any Guarantee of Success Whatsoever...
  • ‘Goal-Setting’ & Other Implications of Success
  • Contests & Sweepstakes...
  • Hype & Lifestyle Ads On All Platforms (Not Just The Copy)...
  • Pressing Urgency (Most Marketers Think It’s Okay)...
  • Refunds & Guarantees...
  • Inadequate Substantiation...
  • Value & Bonus Stacking...
  • Phone Sales (& Sales Teams)...
  • Recurring Sales & Subscriptions...

Yes, the things almost every single marketer uses in their day-to-day life is considered non-compliant by the government.

It’s truly astonishing how LITTLE our industry knows about this...

Who’s This Book For?
Do Any Of These Sound Like You...?

If you’re a digital marketer, business owner, copywriter, sales director, MLM, information marketer, supplement seller, health & fitness coach, consultant or just want to make sure your marketing is 100% compliant

This book is for you.

Whether you...

Sell Digital Courses
Use Phone Sales
Show Case Studies
Sell Coaching
Run Webinars
Sell Products For $5,000+
Sell ANYTHING Online
Use Testimonials
Have Affiliates
Promote Your Track Records
Use VSLs or Written Sales Letters
Know Someone Impacted By The FTC

In this book, we will show you how to handle ALL of these compliantly and avoid the most common mistakes that have sunk countless companies in the past.

Take my story as a warning. I thought I was doing EVERYTHING the right way. And it turns out some of the most common (and small) mistakes ended up costing me MILLIONS...

Here’s What Other Marketers Are Saying
About “Don’t Say That”...

I'm based out of Ireland and a lot of people might think I don't have to worry about the FTC, but that's just not the case as I have learned from reading this...
Stephen Somers CEO Marketplace Superheroes
One of the most interesting things about "Don't Say That" is the concept of "net impressions." So it's not just what you say but how you say it and in what context you say it...
John Lavenia Co-Founder, BrandBuilder AI
I sent a copy to each and everyone of my team members. This book is outstanding. We didn't realize the things that we couldn't say... Make sure you get a copy!
Robert Roy CEO Wealth Builders HQ
Since I've picked up this book, I've reailzed how much I've been doing out of compliance. This book taught me how to be in compliance and maintain the same level of conversion.
Caleb Fowler Co-Founder Enrollment Event Experts
Pick up a copy of this book if you want to stay compliant and out of trouble! There's actual practical tips that you can implement in your business.
Beejal Parmer CEO Bee EPiC Outsourcing
In order to run your business, you need to know compliance in order to do effective and safe marketing and sales. There is stuff in this book that I had no idea about.
Sara Daigle Spiral Practitioner + Coach
Absolutely amazing resource! I'mnew to the game so I just want to make sure I do things right.
Tyler Bade
Policies and legalities are soemthing
I stay away from because it's so initimidating.
Velia Hernandez
We live in a litigious world! This book reminds us that we need to be mindful of the little things in the sales process.
Andre Roy
I read this book in 1 day! You need to take this seriously and start implementing these things in your business!
Jennifer Jay

Disclaimer: All testimonials provided are individual experiences only. Results & experience is not typical. Some individuals may have received a minimus consideration for their testimonial participation.

I Had No Idea I Was Making
These Extremely Common “Mistakes”

And It Cost Me Roughly $15 MILLION*...

For 20 years, I dedicated my life to building an amazing company and proudly serving my customers. When I saw others get taken down by the FTC, I always thought “oh, I’m not like them, I’m compliant and I’m good to my customers. That’s not me.”

...until they decided they disagreed with me.

Let me tell you a few stats about my business (before we got under investigation by the FTC):

And yet, I still got sued by the FTC.

We didn’t have an issue with complaints or unhappy customers. We had no problems with refunds or chargebacks.

None of that mattered...

It turns out that there is so much we business owners don’t know. Yes, some of us hire the “big firms” and think that their logo is some kind of bullet-proof protection. It isn’t.  Over the last 15 years, I probably invested close to $1 Million in legal fees.

Others either never hired a legal firm or bothered to get any advice whatsoever.

...never did I learn the things that actually mattered. The things that ACTUALLY got me in trouble were never covered directly.

So, even after spending $1M+ on compliance reviews and legal advice, thousands of happy customers, no complaints and a full-time paralegal in the company, I STILL became a target of the FTC.

It ended up costing me millions of dollars in fines, legal costs, forensic team hiring, opportunity cost and lost profits.

I’ve made it my mission to help prevent the same thing from happening to other online marketers.

*In my opinion, my case with the FTC cost me roughly $15 million. I came to this number after factoring in the lawyer’s fees, the settlement, the lost opportunity cost and the impact to my business. That doesn’t even cover over a hundred sleepless nights, PTSD and a forever fear of receiving certified letters or FedEx packages.

Fix Your Marketing NOW or

Risk Paying a $2.5 Million+ Fine Like I Did...

The fines the FTC levies against companies are painful enough. Personally, I settled with the FTC for $2.5 million.

And that just scratched the surface of what I really paid...

An FTC investigation can disrupt EVERY SINGLE PART of your business.

Once the FTC begins pursuing you, you can expect all kinds of things...

  • Potentially MILLIONS of dollars spent in legal costs fighting the case...
  • Hundreds or even THOUSANDS of hours of paperwork discovery...
  • 6, 7, 8 or even 9-figures in FINES...
  • An INJUNCTION that completely halts your business & prevents any revenue from coming in...
  • Damaging press releases that can PERMANENTLY tarnish your reputation...
  • And even total ASSET FREEZES that completely upend your life.

Far too many people ignore FTC compliance and take an “ignorance is bliss” approach.

Don’t be that person.

Because there’s one thing the FTC has made clear, it does NOT matter if you’re a big company or a small business. If they decide to come after you, YOU’RE the one left with all the problems...

I’ve Partnered With One Of The
Industry’s Top Compliance Lawyers

& Created A Brand-New Mission - To Help YOU!

I’ve been in business for over 21+ years now and worked with numerous attorneys.

NONE of them have the experience dealing with the FTC and other regulatory agencies like Greg Christiansen.

After almost 20 years of practice, Greg has a wide range of experience on  all types of regulatory issues concerning marketing companies and federal compliance.

He’s seen countless cases and tracked nearly every case the FTC closes(almost daily).

It’s no exaggeration to say that...

  1. Everyone Needs To Understand The Government’s Compliance Rules To Market Effectively...
  2. There Have Been Massive Compliance Changes In The Past 3 Years...
  3. Regulatory Agencies Are Extremely Aggressive Now In Multiple Niches...
  4. There Are Some Very Simple Things You Can Implement & Change That May Help Protect You...
  5. Making Common Sense Modifications Could Help Protect You & Your Business...

That said, there ARE things that can be done to protect you and your business.

Unfortunately, the FTC does not give marketers that specific advice.

Because of that, I asked Greg to help me co-author this book and help protect other businesses from going through the pain that I did.

Make no mistake - the FTC does not “rest” when it comes to compliance. In fact, they’re getting more aggressive...

The FTC Alone Has Collected $1.5 Billion From
All Kinds of Businesses Since 2020

& They’re Getting Even More Aggressive In 2024...

NOTHING can bring your business (and your life) to a screeching halt like a lawsuit from the Federal Trade Commission or another Regulatory Agency

There’s just one problem, most businesses think they’re 100% compliant - until that FedEx package from the FTC arrives at the doorstep.

Since 2020, the FTC has seized more than $1.5 BILLION from businesses and   individuals it claims have violated consumer protection and competition laws.

In FY 2023 alone, they brought in more $342 MILLION.

Worst of all, the agency has considerably ramped up how much money it’s seeking from companies. Make no mistake, the FTC is extremely active and is aggressively bringing actions and investigations.

And it’s not just the government agencies that businesses need to worry about. Consumers have been filing reports at an incredible rate over the past 4 years.

Since 2020, the FTC has seized more than $1.5 BILLION from businesses and individuals it claims have violated consumer protection and competition laws.

In FY 2023 alone, they brought in more $342 MILLION.

Worst of all, the agency has considerably ramped up how much money it’s seeking from companies. Make no mistake, the FTC is extremely active and is aggressively bringing actions and investigations.

And in the last couple of years, the FTC has greatly modified their approach.

Due to some rulings in the Supreme Court in 2021, they are now pursuing cases in a new way. Given these changes are recent, many are not really aware about how to adjust to them.

Of course, you’re probably saying to yourself.

Well, we hate to break it to you. That’s what everyone thinks.

In reality, a vast majority of companies are actively breaking FTC rules - and they don’t even know it...

A Study Of 500 Direct Marketers Found That 100% - Yes 100% - Were In Violation Of Federal Laws...

If it feels to you like MOST direct marketers are non-compliant, your assumption is correct.

Over the past few months, my team has done a DEEP DIVE on the entire direct marketing industry. We’ve researched HUNDREDS of companies to see just how common violations are among both the big brands and the small ones.

What we found was astonishing...

Of the 500 companies we researched, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was flagged as committing compliance violations when we scanned their site. Yes, you read that right.

Now ask yourself. Is your website and marketing ACTUALLY compliant? Do you feel confident?

Disclaimer: We completed this study ourselves and it was completed by selecting 500 direct marketing sales websites in various niches. We used multiple networks, sources, searches and were as fair as possible. We did absolutely nothing to try and find only the non-compliant sites. We believe this is a representative sample of the direct marketing industry.

Myth #1

Thinking You’re Too Small To Be
Targeted By Regulatory Agencies?

Think Again...

We hear it time and time again from marketers and it’s one of the most dangerous “myths” out there...

“I’m too small to be sued by the FTC!”

The FTC doesn’t JUST go over the big companies like Amazon, Facebook, Herbalife and other billion-dollar firms. 

The Federal Trade Commission DOES NOT discriminate about the size of the company it targets for its investigations. There are countless examples of the FTC filing suits against companies with under 5,000 total customers.

In 2022 the FTC closed cases against companies with TINY amounts of eligible customers like...

  • CD Capital Investments with just 243 eligible customers was fined $132,072...
  • Manhattan Beach Venture with just 2,889 eligible customers was fined $292,200...
  • A1 Docprep with just 136 eligible customers was fined $232,755...
  • Campbell Capital with just 603 eligible customers was fined $30,000...
  • Vision Solution Marketing with just 1,177 customers was fined $1.67 million...

The list goes on and on. Yes, they target the big companies, but just because you’re a “small company” with only a few hundred customers DOES NOT mean you’re safe from the FTC...

Myth #2

Maybe You Say “I’ll Just Deal With
It When It Happens”...

Getting compliant can be a process (and we can help), but it is NOTHING compared to the expense it takes to DEFEND yourself against the FTC and the United States Government.

Worst of all, there is no “warning” from the government. They just come after you.

By the time they’re knocking on your door, it’s already too late. Living with the mentality that you’ll deal with it when it happens is literally gambling with your future. Everything you’ve world for. Everything you’ve built.

Personally, my own expenses were staggering. I spent...

  • $2.5 MILLION on my fine alone...
  • About $700,000 on legal bills during the process...
  • Roughly $1.2 MILLION collecting all the documents and data the FTC required...
  • An estimated $15 MILLION in opportunity costs...

And that doesn’t account for...

  • The MONTHS wasted compiling everything...
  • The huge time and money expense of retraining my teams...
  • Countless sleepless nights and the unseen physical toll of my stress...
  • The damage to my personal and business BRANDS from negative press...
  • And the risk of being outright BANNED from the industry...

Putting your head in the sand and hoping the government doesn’t come after you is one of the most EXPENSIVE mistakes you can ever make...

Would you rather gamble with your future, or insure it?

Myth #3

You’re Convinced “Nothing Is
Compliant, So What’s The Point?

I get it. You see every other marketer out there making outrageous claims in all of their marketing materials and they get off scot free. They do all kinds of non-compliant things...

  • Implied Claims Are Everywhere - Some Of The Claims You See From Others Are Totally Crazy
  • Outrageous Testimonials - You Know The Testimonials People Use Are NOT Typical Results...
  • No Disclaimers Or Substantiation - So Many Marketers Don’t Even Bother With Disclosures Or Substantiation...
  • False Scarcity & Fake Urgency - They Create Phony Urgency To Pressure Their Leads To Buy Now...
  • High-Pressure Phone Sales - So Many Use These Tactics & They’re A Massive Red Flag For The Government...

It’s fair to wonder if anything actually is compliant out there. Well, it’s true...

For the last 100 years (at least), direct marketers have just been copying one another. Year after year they’ve been raising the bar on non-compliance by just copying bad habits.

We’ve been trained to think NOTHING is compliant because these bad habits we’ve been copying have all been non-compliant.

But if you step back and learn the rules and start applying them correctly, you’ll quickly learn that you CAN market compliantly. 

Plus, compliant marketing isn’t only possible - it’s the ONLY path forward.

The FTC is on a mission to crack down on unfair advertising practices, and sometimes it feels like they take these cases personally. If you pay attention to their press releases, you’ll notice that every single week, more companies are being targeted.

Like I mentioned before, the FTC alone has collected $1.5 BILLION from companies since 2020.Companies of ALL sizes and in every industry are being investigated, sometimes for even the most “minor offenses.”

You can't avoid this.

They're coming one way or the other.

Clean up!

Myth #4

You Think “There’s No Way The
Compliant Marketing Actually Sells...”

Greg truly can’t count the number of times he’s heard this from marketers over his 20+ year career in the regulatory space.

Not only is that a lazy excuse to not get compliant, it can also ruin your business and destroy everything you’ve built.

With this book, we’re here to make one thing clear.

Compliant copy DOES sell. You just need to…

  • Do things the RIGHT way…
  • Adapt your model away from non-compliance…
  • And say things the way we teach you in this book…

Just take a look at some of Greg’s biggest clients…

Story #1: A Multi 8-Figure Business that Sells Coaching on the Phone.

They heard what I went through and decided it was time to go full compliant.

From their videos, to their sales calls to every step. They not only are not just surviving, they're performing better than before. They're getting better customers, and their conversions are still solid.

Story #2: A Multi-7 Figure Crypto Coaching Company

The founder was sweating bullets about going compliant. He was convinced his marketing would NOT convert.

Well, it took him a little less than 2 months to drastically improve his compliance but sure enough, the conversions are great and his sales calls are much cleaner.

Not only is his marketing more compliant, he feels much better about how he's treating his customers.

Story #3: Webinar Marketer Who Conducts 8-Figure Launches

Not only did he create a highly compliant webinar. He TESTED it side by side with his “old” webinar for a $3,500 price point.

Guess what? The compliant one converts JUST as well.

  • He avoided hype…
  • No testimonials…
  • No crazy claims whatsoever…
  • And his offer is converting incredibly well…

Of course, he was able to do this after working with us, learning the rules and then making sure every compliant guideline was met.

In these examples, we’ve protected their names for privacy reasons. But we want you to know that compliant marketing not only works. It's better.

  • You get better customers.
  • They buy for the right reasons and spend more with you over their lifetime.
  • Your lists churn less.
  • Your customers refund less.
  • They chargeback less.
  • They build you a business you can actually rely on and not just a short-term advertising arbitrage.

Compliant marketing can absolutely sell to your audience.

Myth #5

You Think “I Have Happy Customers &
No Complaints, I’ll Be Fine...”

Hell, I know I did. My company had an “A” rating by the BBB for YEARS. We had happy customers and very low refund rates.

But there are 2 things that most marketers don’t realize

#1 - Customers don’t need to complain directly to the FTC for you to have issues.

The government relies on something called the “Sentinel System” designed to help them catch marketers who aren’t following all the rules. And there are far more complaints in this system than anyone realizes.

And no, you can’t access this system.

Since 2016, more than 16 MILLION complaints have been filed to the Sentinel System from consumers around the country. And no, there’s no “minimum threshold” of complaints that you need to meet to be investigated.

#2 - It doesn’t matter. Happy customers is NOT a defense.

If the government comes across your website, ads, emails (or whatever) and they find you breaking the rules - they’re coming for you. End of story.

No amount of happy customers or glowing reviews will change their opinion of you.

It sucks, but sometimes it just comes down to bad luck…

Myth #6

You Look In the Mirror & Probably Think “I’m
One of The Good Guys, This Won’t Happen To Me...”

That’s The Most Dangerous Thinking Of All...

Most marketers think they’re one of the “good guys” and they won’t have any issues. Just a wake up call, the FTC doesn’t care.  They ONLY care about the representations and the impression your clients walk away with after viewing your claims.

Think of it this way - non-compliant marketing is like speeding

You can be the Mother Teresa of your space, but if you're speeding and get pulled over, you're getting a speeding ticket.

They don't care. Good. Bad. It doesn't matter - the rules are the rules. And you being a “good guy” won’t make a difference whatsoever

Actually, the investigators barely even talk to you! They just review your marketing - YOU are irrelevant. Only the things you say in your marketing are relevant.

Back to that speeding analogy - there’s one big difference. When you get caught being non-compliant, you don’t get a minor ticket.

Your business, your life and everything else comes crashing down at once

Think of every little tiny embellishment or missing substantiation as “speeding.” Well, every single one of those is a chance to land on a regulatory agency’s sights.  

What You’ll Learn In "Don’t Say That"

Part 1: The FTC. The Laws. Other Agencies

There are so many regulatory agencies that can bring your business to a screeching halt. We’re pulling the curtain back on the biggest rules and violations to be aware of and how to avoid them.

Part 2: The Cost of Not Complying

The true cost of not complying absolutely dwarfs the fines companies end up paying. Most never account for the months of discovery costs, extensive attorney fees, missed opportunity cost, and the unrelenting toll the stress can take on your mental and physical health.

Part 3: How to Comply

We cover the BIGGEST violations we’re constantly seeing from marketers as well as the areas the government is focusing on the most. We’ll also dive deep into the exact strategies marketers are using now to stay compliant and convert. Make no mistake, compliant marketing can be extremely effective when done right.

Here’s Just Some Of What You’ll Learn Inside

"Don’t Say That"

  • Why I NEVER Thought I’d Get Sued By The FTC (Page 15)
  • How Even The Smallest Companies End Up On The  Government's Radar (Page 18)
  • Inside The Data: The FTC Is More Aggressive Than Ever (Page 19)
  • What It’s Like To Have a Complete Asset Freeze (Page 22)
  • The Math (And Money) That Goes Into Being Investigated (Page 26)
  • The Legal Burden Of An FTC Investigation (Page 28)
  • The “Non-Monetary” Cost of Being Investigated (Page 29)
  • Dealing With Injunctions & Outright Bans From The Government (Page 29)
  • The Insane Health Issues Related To Stress (Page 35)
  • The Cost Of Compliance vs. The Cost Of Defense (Page 36)
  • How To Stay Off The Government’s Radar (Page 37)
  • The Politics Of The FTC - It Doesn’t Matter Who’s In Office (Page 42)
  • The Myriad Of Other Agencies To Look Out For (Page 44)
  • Key Industries That Are Being Tracked & Targeted By The FTC (Page 49)
  • A Marketer’s Look At The Laws Being Used By The Government (Page 50)
  • Deep Dive: Every Step Of The Investigation Process Revealed (Page 54)
  • Tracking Your BBB Rating & Other Consumer Complaints (Page 55)
  • CIDs: The Insanely Huge Undertaking Of Meeting The FTC’s Demands (Page 59)
  • The Court Process: The Full Cost Breakdown & What to Expect (Page 65)
  • The Settlement Process: Inside The Negotiations & Strong Arming (Page 69)
  • How To Comply - Substantiation, Results & Effective Marketing (Page 73)
  • The Right Way & The Wrong Way To Use Testimonials (Page 83)
  • The Common Mistakes Made With Scarcity & Urgency (Page 88)
  • Misrepresentation Run Rampant: Are You Creating A False Impression? (Page 92)
  • Telesales: The #1 Focus For The FTC In 2024 & Beyond (Page 98)
  • Your Affiliates - Another Potential Landmine In Your Business (Page 105)
  • How To Handle Refund Policies Compliantly In Your Business (Page 107)
  • The Net Impression & Key Phrases To Be Aware Of (Page 109)
  • Disclaimers, Contracts & Releases (Page 115)

Plus, You’ll Get These 5 Incredible Bonuses FOR FREE When You Get “Don’t Say That!” Today...

FREE BONUS #1 Compliance Risk Calculator

Gauge your risk level of being sued and find out what parts of compliance you're weak in. If you can’t assess your own blind spots, there is just no way to become more compliant...

In this bonus, we’ll help you...

  • Discover the most urgent areas of compliance improvement in your business and where to focus your resources...
  • The most common problems similar companies have faced and continue to struggle with...
  • The EXACT changes needed to be made to your business and marketing

With this FREE BONUS, you’ll know exactly where your company stands, and where you can improve...

FREE BONUS #2 90 Minute Compliance Training

Radically change your compliance in 90 minutes or LESS with this On-Demand Training. No hours (or days) long seminars or courses. This is the BIGGEST and most common training issues we’ve seen again and again from marketers...
In this bonus, we’ll reveal...

  • The most common mistakes marketers make every single day (and don’t even realize)...
  • The biggest focuses of the FTC and where they’re committing their recourses...
  • The quick changes and improvements you can make to your business to instantly level-up your compliance...

This training should be mandatory for all marketing teams in 2024...

FREE BONUS #3 Copywriting Compliance Cheatsheet

Print and hand this checklist to anyone who writes your sales materials. They can keep it next to them and assure that they're writing compliant marketing!

Remember, compliance involves EVERYONE on your team. If your employees or team members are non-compliant, it’s YOUR business that’s at risk.

In this FREE bonus, you’ll discover...

  • The biggest phrases and red flags to avoid at all costs in every single piece of copy...
  • How to write compliant and EFFECTIVE copy - our top strategies revealed...
  • The right way to use compliant copy in emails, sales pages, VSLs, testimonials, videos, and anywhere else you sell...

Don’t write copy (or have anyone else write your copy) without this checklist...

FREE BONUS #4 Compliance Connect

You’ll get access to our “Book Buyers Only” community to support each other in getting more compliant with the FTC laws!

Stay up-to-date on the latest trends, strategies and insights from our community of EXPERT and compliant marketers.

You’ll get...

  • Lifetime access to this community of engaged expert marketers and compliance officers...
  • Exclusive access to community events, trainings and workshops...
  • Expert networking and partnership opportunities...

We’re on a mission to build the world’s largest community of compliant marketers...

FREE BONUS #5 Exclusive 90-Minute Masterclass
The 15 Biggest FTC Rules & Penalties No One Ever Talks About…

In this exclusive Masterclass (only for book buyers) we reveal the 15 FTC rules & penalties that no one ever talks about.

I had NO IDEA most of these rules existed or that these penalties could happen to me until I started getting investigated by the FTC myself. I purposefully made this Masterclass so you can get a massive jumpstart on everything we cover in the book.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover…

  • How to take things that are non-compliant and change them quickly, but dramatically, to reduce your risk
  • The strategies Greg and I use to completely change the “net impression” you’re giving your audience so you can stay compliant…
  • And how to avoid the type of penalties that can ruin your business and everything you’ve built…

Greg and I took the BIGGEST takeaways from the book and put them all into this 90-minute Masterclass. There’s no better way to start your compliance journey.

Get Don’t Say That! For Your Entire Team... Check Out The Insane Bonuses I’m Giving Away
When You Get Multiple Copies!

We highly encourage you to get extra copies of “Don’t Say That!” for your entire team. Copywriters. Marketing Directors and Managers. CEOs. Sales Directors.

Compliance Officers. Remember, your team is just as critical to your company’s compliance as you are.

We’re here to help your entire team!

Buy Digital Copy Book + Bonuses + Masterclass!

When you get your digital copy for just $7, you’ll get INSTANT access to the book + all 4 of our amazing bonuses!

  • Risk Calculator
  • 90-Minute Training
  • Compliance Cheat Sheet
  • Community Access.
Buy 1 Paperback Copy Book + Bonuses + Masterclass!

When you buy 1 paperback copy, you’ll also get instant access to all 4 bonuses!

  • Risk Calculator
  • 90-Minute Training
  • Compliance Cheat Sheet
  • Community Access.
PLUS, you’ll get immediate digital access.
Buy 3 Paperback Copies FREE Bonuses + Laminated Checklists + Masterclass

When you buy 3 paperback copies today, you’ll also get...

  • Laminated Copywriting Checklists
  • Risk Calculator
  • 90-Minute Training
  • Compliance Cheat Sheet
  • Community Access.
PLUS, you’ll instantly save 15% per copy!