FTC Bans Non-Competes? How To Get Around It

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Now, onto today’s episode…

This week, the FTC made a major ruling about NON-COMPETE contracts and a lot of business owners seem to be freaking out about it. 

If that sounds like you, take a deep breath. Greg has your back.

In this week’s episode, Greg reveals
exactly what the ruling means for your business and how you can protect
yourself without breaking the law. 

He breaks down what the new ruling ACTUALLY means, and what you need to know…

  • The confidentiality clauses that prevent ex-employees from spilling your trade secrets…
  • How “non-solicitation” agreements can stop rogue contractors from poaching your customers and staff…
  • Why burying a “non-disparagement” clause in your contracts could put a legal target on your back…
  • The high-stakes lawsuits that could decide the fate of non-competes nationwide…
  • When it still makes sense to sue an ex-employee for breaching their contract (and when to let it go)…

We also dive into the political drama
behind the FTC’s shocking move, and whether it’s likely to survive the
inevitable legal challenges from the business world.


Anik Singal
Greg Christiansen

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