Is Putting Values on Bonuses & Creating Stacks Legal?

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Inside The Episode

I’m flying solo in today’s episode, so I thought I would give you guys a DEEP DIVE into the 15 most shocking truths I discovered when I was sued by the FTC. 

In the episode, I go point-by-point through the BIGGEST surprises I faced in those 18 months dealing with the FTC. I had heard from friends and colleagues what it was like, but man, did I have some eye-opening realizations.

In this 30-minute episode, I went DEEP into…

  • The 3 legal mechanisms the FTC uses to completely discredit all of your creative “workarounds”…
  • Why even just a few BBB complaints can trigger full FTC investigations…
  • The initial financial records regulators demanded first (and what that reveals)…
  • How mandated refund periods and disclosures work (and often don’t)…
  • Why you MUST substantiate even basic background claims and credentials…
  • The careful tightrope walk to framing legitimate personal success stories and statistics…

And because this is such a heavy topic – I decided to break this into 2 episodes. So this is part 1 coming your way today. Stay tuned for part two and seven more non-obvious lessons about the regulators to come!

Don’t forget, if you want a FREE compliance assessment from Greag’s team and mine, just go to 


Anik Singal
Greg Christiansen

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Join Us At The Compliance Summit!

April 16-18, 2024

Worried about getting sued by the FTC or other regulatory agencies? Confused about what the rules really are? The good news is, you’re not alone. And we’re here to help.

At The Compliance Summit, we’ll spend 3 full days revealing EVERYTHING you need to know to protect yourself, your business and your assets. 

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